
About Me

Hey! It's great to have you here! If you're keen to learn a little more about me, you've come to the right place - read on!

I'm a lifelong technologist, having taken my first steps into the world of computing somewhere in the early 90's.

How'd it all start? Damn, that's a tough one. 🤔

My journey began back before the Internet had become a thing in Australia. I was extremely fortunate — growing up in a household with a computer, I was exposed to the world of technology at a very young age. My father, whilst not necessarily a computer enthusiast, was rather familiar with them — jockeying the operating system to do his bidding, using all the commonplace methods of the time, that'd likely seem like utter madness to the younger cohorts of today's computer users.

It was madness though...

It was a DOS world, and Windows 3.1 was the new kid on the block. Software was built by wizards, and games were played in 16 colors. Want to play some SkiFree? Sure, better get to digging up that floppy. Things not quite going to plan? The three-finger salute (Ctrl + Alt + Del) was a reflexive action for many.

It's hard to fathom what we put up with back then, but it was all we knew. It was a time of discovery, of learning, and of growth — reminiscing, through the rose-tinted glasses of nostalgia, it's hard not to feel a sense of longing for those times. Or perhaps, just the feelings that those fledgling experiences with computers evoked.

But I digress... My dad was the guy that set the wheels in motion. It wasn't intentional, but it happened all the same. I was a curious kid, and the IBM machine that sat in the entryway of our family home was a beacon of intrigue. I distinctly recall the hardcore "thunk" of the power switch, as the machine roared to life. The screen flickered as the boot sequence progressed, from the BIOS all the way through to the familiar C:\> prompt. It was a world of possibilities, and I was hooked.

It wasn't long before I discovered BASIC, and with that, I commenced my ascent (descent?) into the world of programming.

Years passed, and my interest in technology only grew. I, like many, was introduced to video games sunk countless hours into them. A distraction from more productive pursuits perhaps, but the games themselves would only serve as kindling for a fire that would continue to burn off into my adult life.

Prior to finishing primary school, I'd gotten in the habit of repurposing old discarded computers (typically i486s, Pentium IIs, etc.) and setting up all kinds of networks between them. Sometimes, I'd utilise a null-model to 1v1 with my brother over a serial connection, and at other times, I'd source a hub and some cheap NICs so that I could host a 4-player game of CNC Red Alert. Those times were just the best!

By the time I hit high school, I was pretty clued up on most things computer-related. I continued building my own machines, obsessing over games, and learning how to code. I'd dabbled in a few languages by this point, but it wasn't until I discovered C++ that I truly felt everything click into place.

Like all intrepid young programmers, I set out to build a game.

This is a work-in-progress, and will be updated as time permits. ⏳

Tom Larcher


I've got quite a few tools in my belt, but at the moment, I'm particularly fond of Kotlin, Kotlin Multiplatform, and Compose Multiplatformit's pretty clear that I'm jazzing in the cross-platform mobile engineering space, at the moment!


Your best bet for getting a hold of me at the moment is probably via LinkedIn though you're welcome to follow me on Github if you'd like to keep an eye on what OSS I'm presently contributing to (if any!). While there's not much to show on there as yet – you can also find me on Peerlist.